Russia better tell those terrorists running Syria where to go and how to get there. The country would lose the respect of all its new allies if it turned over Assad to a gang of murderers.

BTW, Fiorella, you are awesome. Keep up the great work.

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Apparently, the west thinks that a Bandit King like Jolani would be a good substitute for an Authoritarian Tyrant - then again, this is the west we are talking about, since they have a naïve tendency to romanticize pirates, vagrants and wild-west outlaw types in their fictional works.

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I see one sticking point looming--the Russian spoke of "territorial integrity." Israel has already occupied another chunk of Syria, the Turks are in the north, and Syria will have no government that isn't going to persecute somebody.

Syria could easily break up, which would please the Israelis, but the Russians made it clear they don't want to have anything to do with that and this gives them an out if and when it happens.

Russia would like to keep its naval base, and will certainly try to find a way to do that, The US Empire wants that base for itself. Whatever happens to it, we can rest assured that the Syrian people will not be consulted.

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It does no good in the long run for Russia to constantly pander to Turkee-yay, or is it Turkee-yah? I personally think stop thinking Odessa is a playing card to be used in exchange for peace with Nato in Ukraine. Take Odessa, take the Black sea. That 1922 Black sea 'agreement' is irrelevant now..

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President Jolani is no longer a terrorist, otherwise he'd be arrested.

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“Demands”? Those camel jockeys can’t “demand” anything from the Russians! And if they aren’t careful, Russia will give them the last gift of their lives!

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